
La Seigneurie du Triton is greatly concerned for its sustainable development. We exercise an occupation on the territory, where our desire is to limit any damaging effects so as to ensure the preservation of the site and keep it as natural as possible for this generation and future generations to follow. The company’s mission is to stay in harmony with the ecological turning point which we launched in recent years. Here are some of the concrete actions we take throughout our days of work:

  • We use biodegradable cleaning products
  • We produce our own clean compost with our plant materials
  • We try to limit our boat transportation
  • Our team is aware of the main actions to reduce and reuse materials
  • We recycle effectively all of our design and building materials
  • We manage our territory to ensure the protection of our resources
  • We promote the principles of sustainable development
  • We have constructed and put in an electronic line to minimise the impact on the environment. By not using the generator we avoid producing 196 tonnes of greenhouse gases
  • We use more chargeable vehicles
  • We also use rechargeable batteries by solar panels, where possible
  • We promote pedestrians to access all of our territory and lakes to preserve the natural and physical aspect in order to minimize the impact
  • We are engaged in a process of obtaining a designated protected area
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